The Rise of Dhamma:
This two-hour film covers a vast swath of history, from the distant past to the moment in 1969 when Goenkaji set forth from Myanmar, and onward from then to the present day. The Rise of Dhamma presents the extraordinary journey of Vipassana, its spread in society and the impact it has had. Weaving together the voices of Goenkaji, his family and meditators from around the world, the film reveals the many facets of this journey in all its diversity and power.
Please click on the following links to view the film online:
The Relics of the Buddha:
The corporeal relics of the Buddha have been enshrined in the dome of the Global Vipassana Pagoda in 2006. These relics were donated by the Government of Sri Lanka and the Mahabodhi Society of India, Bodh Gaya. This is as per the instructions of the Buddha which can be seen in the Sutta Pitaka that his corporeal remains were to be placed in a stupa where people could meditate in its presence.
This film presents grand vision of Mr. S. N. Goenka behind building this monument and importance of the relics of the Buddha.
50 years of Dhamma Journey:
A presentation made by a senior Vipassana Teacher on the journey of Dhamma.
Please click the following links to view the film online: