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founded by S. N. Goenka in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin






Vipassana Centers

Vipassana Centers

Vipassana Courses are given in numerous Meditation Centers and at Non-Center course locations at rented sites. Each location has its own schedule of courses. In most cases, an application for admission to these courses can be completed online at this website. There are numerous Centers in India and elsewhere in Asia/Pacific; ten Centers in North America; three Centers in Latin America; eight Centers in Europe; seven Centers in Australia/New Zealand; one Center in the Middle East and one Center in Africa. Ten day non-center courses are frequently held at many locations outside of Centers as they are arranged by local students of Vipassana in those areas. An alphabetical list of worldwide course locations is available as well as a graphical interface of some course locations worldwide and in India and Nepal.

The structure and the time-table of the courses across all the Vipassana centers is exactly the same. All the courses are conducted by assistant teachers of Mr. S. N. Goenka using his audio visual instructions and discourses.


Search a Center

To search a Center at a location convenient for you, please click here.


Islands of Dhamma

This documentary presents a tour of prominent Vipassana centers worldwide. The film was produced in 1995. After 1995, many centers have been established at various locations. As of 2016, Vipassana courses are conducted in 170 centers and 132 non-centers location around the world. To see updated list of all the centers, please click here.