Admission Process
Dear Applicant,
We are happy to inform you that the Vipassana Research Institute (VRI) in affiliation with University of Mumbai is inviting applications for the following course.
ABHIDHAMMA IN DAILY LIFE (ADL) (Online-offline Three Months Short Course)
Eligibility -
- Minimum Old SSC or HSC or minimum 12 years of education.
- completed Advance Diploma in Vipassanā conducted by VRI, and completed at-least one Satipaṭṭhāna course in the tradition of S.N. Goenka ji.
completed at-least one 30 Day Course in the tradition of S.N. Goenka ji.
Please keep the following documents (Maximum 1MB, jpeg format) ready to upload while applying/ filling the Google Admission form:
1) Photo (latest passport size)
2) ID Proof {Any one - Aadhaar/PAN/Voter/Driving License; Passport}
3) Educational Document - {Mark sheet or Certificates of your Final education & Adv Diploma}
4) Name Change Certificate- Gazette/ Marriage Certificate (in case of name-change)
Admission Process
Click on the link
(If on clicking it shows sign in then please sign in from your Gmail account. Prefer browser Google Chrome.)
Fill all the information and upload the correct documents.
Recheck all information especially your full name, Email ID & Contact No. (WhatsApp no) before clicking on Submit.
Kindly read 'Confirmation Message' carefully after Submission.
Soon you will receive an email from '' regarding your registration, if all eligibility-requirements are met. (Kindly save this email ID otherwise this email might go in to Spam or updates.)
**Fees Payment details will be shared later by the same mail.
In case of any queries, please call or WhatsApp on +91 9619234126
Best Regards,
Admission team
VRI, Mumbai