May there be Happiness in Householder’s Lives!
E62 – May there be Happiness in Householder’s Lives!
The Buddha attained enlightenment at the age of 35 and taught the Dhamma– the law of nature to the people all his life.
In the last 2,500 years, the original teachings of the Buddha were totally lost and many misconceptions about this outstanding son of India are prevalent even today. One of the common misconceptions is that the Buddha’s teachings are only for monks not for the householders.
Research by the VRI on the original teachings of the Buddha shows that his teachings are both for monks and householders. Householders can live a happy and peaceful life and can attain peace and Nibbᾱna in this life following the teachings of the Buddha.
This book also contains the duties of a householder towards his parents, spouse, friends, and teachers as enunciated by the Buddha. If the duties are done sincerly life can be happy and peaceful.
The book is ideal for both meditators and non-meditators