The Manuals of Dhamma
Originally published by Union Buddha Sasana Council of Myanmar as ‘Manuals of Buddhism’, this book contains the English translations of Venerable Ledi Sayadaw's authoritative essays on the essence of Buddha's teachings.
Venerable Ledi Sayadaw is an invaluable link in the chain of teachers that preserved Vipassana in its pristine purity in Myamnar. Hence it is natural that Vipassana students should be eager to read the books written by the Venerable Sayadaw, probably the most illustrious Abhidhamma scholar of the last two centuries.
However, the writings of this great meditation master are not easily available today. Therefore, Vipassana Research Institute has published The Manuals of Dhamma, a collection of the Venerable Ledi Sayadaw’s writings translated into English. The reader will find a great treasure of information as well as inspiring guidance for the practice of Dhamma in these texts.
The Manuals of Dhamma will be of immense benefit to students of Vipassana as well as research scholars interested in the Buddha’s teaching.