Dhamma Vandana * धम्म वंदना
In a 10-day course, the meditators undertake the delicate and demanding task of examining their own minds in a surrounding which intermingles long stretches of meditation with periods of instructions from Mr. Goenka. Students of this course are familiar with Goenkaji’s practice of chanting Buddha’s words at the start of the course, in the evening discourse and every morning. This chanting provides a congenial, supportive atmosphere for meditation.
This book contains translation of Goenkaji’s chanting in Hindi language. It will help Vipassana practitioners to understand their meaning and be able to apply them much more deeply in the context of their meditation practice.
The book titled ‘Mangal hua prabhat’ is an ideal companion volume to this book. It contains ‘dohas’ composed by Mr. Goenka.
This book is ideal for practitioners of Vipassana meditation and is also available in English, titled as Gem set in gold.