When I was a judge of the Rajasthan High Court at Jaipur I had an occasion to hear the discourse of Respected Shri Satya Narayan Goenka (Guruji). I was very much impressed by his simplicity, humility, devotion, dedication and depth and clarity of thoughts.
I decided that I must go for a course of Vipassana for ten days at the earliest. I was lucky to get the opportunity of doing the course at Jaipur in the presence of Guruji Shri Satya Narayan Goenka.
I was very much impressed by the discipline which was to be maintained in the course at Jaipur. One has to maintain silence for ten days continuously without having any access to T.V., radio, newspaper, telephone-call or even talking amongst the participants of the camp. We were given very healthy and nourishing food and I thoroughly enjoyed my camp. The daily routine in the camp was also very strict and everything punctual.
Initially I thought that I will not be able to complete the course and follow the strict discipline. But I am glad, I could complete the course and also observe the discipline strictly. It was unique experience and cannot be described in words. One will not believe unless he himself takes the course.
After completing the course I found myself very healthy not only physically but also mentally. It gave me occasion to know myself. The whole method is very simple and one is introvert throughout the period without any disturbance from outside.
The boarding and lodging are all free during the camp and one can donate whatever he likes after completing the course. It gives peace of mind, new thinking, new approach and develops a new way to life and feeling towards others. If everyone goes through this training the whole society can be changed and the present ills in the society regarding hatred towards each other, fear, disrespect, distrust will all vanish. The cancerous growth of corruption everywhere will also be controlled automatically.
I wish Vipassana spreads all over the world for the benefit of the individual, society, and humanity.
-Justice Surendra Nath Bhargava
Chairperson, Assam Human Rights Commission,
Guwahati Former Chief Justice of Sikkim High Court,
Former Justice of Rajasthan, High Court.
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I will give just one example of how science without Dharma is blind.
Many years ago there was a tragedy in Bhopal. I was a witness to that. I live in Bhopal. The Union Carbide plant emitted huge amounts of highly toxic gas. They didn’t know what effects it would produce. It killed thousands of people that very day. It affected about 500,000 people in the city. People continued to die, I think by now the dead number between 10,000 and 15,000. People are still suffering to this day.
Whatever science knew was done. Hundreds of doctors and the Indian Council of Medical Research, in all its strength, came and provided the best services at their disposal. The social scientists were also there trying to see what they could do.
As a consequence of this, several hundred crores of rupees were spent and assistance given: hospitals, dispensaries and various centres were opened. But the end result was—I observed it all at close quarters—nothing really changed.
People got money; they gambled with that money or spent it on liquor, and the crime rate increased. When science had gone ahead with its research to produce that gas, it had not discovered the full facts about the gas, about the consequences if a leak occurred. The doctors then did not know and disputes continue till now about the correct method of dealing with this tragedy. This, then, is what happens if science goes unbridled without Dharma.
Mr. M.S. Choudhary, Former Chief Secretary, Madhya Pradesh
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In May 1991, I was lucky to participate in the ten-day Vipassana course in Dhamma Giri, Igatpuri, with the help of my friend Shri Madhusudan Mor. I was much impressed by Vipassana and the principles underlying the same. Accordingly, I found silence effective and more powerful than speech. Meditation and concentration should become a way of life. I was benefited. I believe that it is highly useful and worthwhile to learn the Vipassana technique. We have to march ahead towards experiencing a good life under the guidance of Shri Goenkaji and his colleagues.
I am happy to record my view and impressions in brief. I shall be very willing to join the Vipassana course in future, whenever I get the chance.
-Justice D.R. Dhanuka
Former Judge of Bombay High Court
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On the recommendation of my yoga Guru Dr. Dhananjay Gunde of Kolhapur, my wife and I attended the Vipassana meditation course at Dhamma Giri, Igatpuri, Maharashtra between Janurary 17, 1997 and January 28, 1997.
Without any hesitation, I would say that the experience we both had during the course was invigorating and exhilarating. At the end of the course, we came out of the serene atmosphere of Dhamma Giri with almost everlasting sense of well being. We really felt that we were changed persons, certainly not the same persons we were when we entered the course. There was perceptible change in us throughout in body, mind and spirit.
The management of the course under the able guidance and supervision of the moving spirit of Shri, Satyanarayan Goenkaji (Guruji) was flawless. The volunteers meticulously took care of the smallest needs of the participants of the course.
I am looking forward to attending such a course once again on an oppurtune occasion. I am sure Vipassana which so far has helped thousands of people in mind, body and spirit will progress in this country and ameliorate the sufferings of many, many more people.
I would take this opportunity of thanking Shri. Satyanarayan Goenkaji for having started this movement in this country, as also the volunteers of the course, who untiring and ungrudgingly catered to the needs of the participants.
Of course, Guruji's lectures in person as also on the video cassettes and the guidance given by the assistant teachers during the course was of immense help to one and all who participated in the course in understanding what is Vipassana and putting it into practice.
-Justice K.G. Shah
Former Judge of Bombay High Court
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We are working in Rajasthan in a programme which is called ‘Lok Jumbish’, where we are trying to undertake the reconstruction of primary education, the education of children from Class One to Class Eight. We have found, as everybody here knows, that the most important factor is the teachers. Although Vipassana is very popular in Rajasthan, we in Lok Jumbish and in the organised educational system, have not been able to do much so far. However we have now decided that we will take up a community development block which has about 450 teachers. Those of us who have not yet experienced Vipassana will undergo a course and then talk to all the teachers of this block and persuade them to come to a Vipassana course. This should bring about a change in their own lifestyle, in the manner in which they deal with children, with parents; the aim is to create an environment in which we can nurture a new generation of children who are full of good qualities and self-confidence.
Mr Anil Bordia, I.A.S. (Ret’d)
Former Secretary of Education
Government of India
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I have prepared a few comments on Dharma and politics.
Politics is the theory and practice of government, of power. In the old days the sphere of power was limited and it was used for limited purposes. There have been various forms of government: monarchy, dictatorship and so on. The aim of government was administration, by and large for the good of the people, and so administrators were expected to be benevolent. A benevolent government or dictator was the cherished ideal of the society. They were expected to be religious, well-meaning. When the rulers were selfish and cruel, the sufferings of humanity were horrifying.
In modern times the sphere of political power has become almost all-pervading. There has been more and more dependence on and concentration of power. The concept of the welfare state has been demanding much more from governments, politicians and administrators. Compared to the past, this power needs to be used more judiciously, for the good of all the members of the human society. Towards that end many ideas, constitutional provisions, rules, regulations, checks and balances have been provided. New forms of government have been evolved. The latest form is the democratic way of government which has been defined as government of the people, for the people and by the people. Yet, the supreme guarantee of the benevolent, dutiful, honest and humane behaviour of these politicians is their inner goodness and consciousness.
Herein lies the role of Dharma, the Dharma that teaches the basic concepts of humane behaviour, concern for the human values of love, respect and affection for everybody, co-operation, acceptance and coexistence. In my view the political system must have a sound base of Dharma, by which I mean the human religion. However what is being said and practiced in the name of religion today often reflects widespread misunderstanding and misuse. If we look at the basic or fundamental tenets of all religions, they are more or less the same: truth, love, respect, concern for the poor, concern for needy and suffering human beings. Yet battles, brutalities, killings and discrimination inflicted upon the human race has been in the name of religion. Therefore when we talk of religion, we should be clear that it is not any of the organised group of religions that we are talking about but the fundamentals of the human religion that needs to be accepted and introduced in human behaviour in general and among the politicians in particular. This may provide some solution to our present problems.
What is necessary is to bring about change and improvement in the individual attitude and the attitude of the society. There are many ways to bring about this change and one of them is the practice of Vipassana. I have during my life been practicing Svadhyaya, the Yoga sutras but recently I came in contact with Dr.S.N. Goenka and I had the good fortune to undergo several courses. On the basis of personal experience, I have come to the conclusion that the greatest and the most important way of changing the behavioral pattern of the human being is through Vipassana. Therefore I feel that the introduction of religion in the field of politics (not in the form of organised religion as such, but in the form of Dharma) is most essential and that alone will save humanity from politics and its excesses.
-Mr. Madhukarrao Chaudhari
Former Speaker of Assembly, Maharashtra
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Over the last few years many of India’s neighbours have achieved great increases in per capita Gross National Product, but Indiais lagging behind.
In a recent discussion, I was told that the Japanese are so hard-working that we cannot hope to compete with them. But I maintain that one Indian is worth two Japanese. However, two Indians are worth one Japanese, and three Indians are worth zero! We don’t know how to work together, we are always pulling in opposite directions.
Since 1991, the Government has ushered in an era of free market economy; protection is gone, and we are now part of a global system. Our success depends on quality, competitiveness and reliability, and so we must establish more efficient systems. If we do this, we have the potential soon to enjoy great prosperity.
If we want to be efficient in our work, sharp and discriminating intelligence is required, as well as loving relations with each other. Efficiency without love becomes a
breeding ground for quarrels and strife. This is where applying the principles of Dharma can help.
Vipassana aims at establishing the practitioner in Dharma through insight meditation. The Buddha described the fruits of Dharma as maitri (loving-kindness), karuna (compassion), mudita (joy) and upekha (equanimity). These are obtained through the path of sila, samadhi and pañña.
I do not believe there is any contradiction in terms when talking about Vipassana, an integral part of Dharma, together with economic gains. Wealth is not a bad word in the Indian psyche, it is very much a part of our thought process, as a means to an end of doing something good.
All who believe in eliminating poverty and bringing in prosperity will agree that we should aim at improving the productivity of our farms and factories, to produce things of higher quality at lower costs and achieve competitiveness in foreign markets.
Certainly, to gratify the senses is not the prime necessity or aim of a civilised mind. That only wealth brings happiness is an illusion. Dharma detaches us from such ignorance and enjoins us to eliminate suffering. We can take the help of modern science and technologies, guidance on principles of management, their know-how and so on.
Vipassana, which is our own inheritance, will help us to achieve our ultimate aims; it will help us to lift ourselves, not only spiritually but also materially.
Dr. Mohan Patel
Former Sheriff of Mumbai
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I have undergone the ten days meditation course at Hyderabad Centre only recently. I should confess that I have not been strictly following the prescribed schedule of meditation every day, as I am constantly on the move, being in charge of three different full-time jobs with headquarters at Delhi, Hyderabad and Chennai.
Yet, one can say with certainty that the results are perceptible. One realizes the truism, life is not a problem but a reality to be experienced. We are prisoners of our behaviour patterns. The mind is the cause of misery and the individual is the key to transform the society.
Vipassana is a practical method for emotional and spiritual education on a non-sectarian basis. It reduces hostility and helplessness; enhances hope and a sense of well-being. While reducing stress, it fosters positive attitude. While instilling the right values, it purifies the mind, physical well-being becoming a valuable by-product.
The unique technique results in self-transformation by self-observation. It is healing by observation and in accordance with the universal law of nature.
When one realizes by experience, the concept of impermanence, the entire attitude towards life, day-to-day situations and relationships with others become more positive.
The Vipassana technique of meditation brings out all unnecessary and accumulated mental load that one carries all the time. One develops detachment and equanimity. We do become observers of ourselves. One is amazed to realize how our body and mind have become the storehouse of innumerable and unwanted impressions.
Even in the very short time that I have been exposed to Vipassana I am able to increasingly accept people as they are instead of trying to change them all the time, to fit them in my own standard 'frame'. To that extent life has become calmer, healthier, peaceful and positive.
My wife Kala who underwent the 10 days course at Hyderabad centre later than me also shares the same experience.
-D.R. Karthikeyan, I.P.S.
Special Director, Central Bureau of Investigation, New Delhi.
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We have to try ourselves, the Buddha cannot enlighten us. For this Vipassana is one of the ways.
We should try to introduce Vipassana into government schools for the primary age group if possible, and certainly at the upper secondary level. Vipassana is important, not only for the way of life but to give a real direction which is needed by students today.
Venerable Dhammaviriyo,
National Minorities Commission, Delhi
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I attended a ten-day programme of Vipassana Meditation at the Vipassana International Academy, Dhamma Giri, Igatpuri, District Nasik. I found this programme to be extremely useful and the meditation technique goes a long way in helping the participants get a better knowledge of the way their own mind functions. It is an art of living and can help one to eliminate tensions in every day life and develop positive creative energy. The beauty is that it can be availed of by all irrespective of their caste, creed or religion. It is totally and absolutely non-sectarian.
Realising the importance of Vipassana for its officers, the Government of Maharashtra issued a Resolution No. 2496/3/SER-9 dated 15th May 1996, allowing officers of the rank of Deputy Secretary and above with a minimum age of 45 years to avail of 14 days commuted leave (with medical certificate) as also, to and fro passage. The facility can be availed of once in three years and for a maximum of six times during total service.
Besides, Vipassana has demonstrated positive results even in prisons. Recognising this, Government of Maharashtra has encouraged its jail administration to conduct regular programmes for inmates at Pune, Nagpur, Nasik, Kolhapur, etc. with very encouraging results.
-R.B. Budhiraja
Principal Secretary (services) Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai
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I am personally convinced by the potential of Vipassana which greatly helps its practitioners to develop a positive attitude to overcome the conflicts, misery and tensions prevalent in abundance in our day to day life. While fully realizing the usefulness of Vipassana for happy living and positive thinking, I thought it my humble duty as Director, Rajasthan Police Academy, Jaipur (my previous assignment) to expose all my trainees (22 Dy.S.Ps and 315 sub inpsectors) to Vipassana courses at Dhamma Thali, Jaipur.
The feedback from the trainees who underwent the Vipassana course is greatly satisfying and a joy to me forever.
-V.K. Hansuka
Additional Director General of Police, Rajasthan
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Present day life is full of stress and tensions. Our efficiency goes down substantially due to these tensions. It is often said that it is not the workload but load on the mind which affects one's performance and efficiency. After I was introduced to Vipassana technique, I discovered that this unique secular technique enables one to gain concentration of mind, right attitude, clear thinking which goes a long way in improving one's out-put and efficiency. This technique does not make you believe in preconceived notions but properly guides you to see the reality of things as they really are and not as they appear to be. This scientific technique of purification of mind eventually leads to happiness for yourself and for others. I have indeed, immensely benefitted during last four years due to practice of Vipassana.
-Ratnakar Gaikwad
Additional Muncipal Commissioner, Mumbai
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My first brush with the philosophy of Vipassana was when an old acquaintance met me and urged me to undertake a 10-day Vipassana course at the Vipassana Centre at Igatpuri. At that time, I did not express more than a passing interest in the method. But I do believe that the seeds of my ultimate initiation into the technique were sown then.
More than half a decade later, I finally had the opportunity to undertake the course along with my brother. Even this time, in a manner of speaking, I went along with him to keep him company. Each individual life, however insignificant, has its milestones with birth and death as the most significant ones. Having completed the course last year, I have realized that there is an even more significant one-that of an individual's initiation into and final attainment of Vipassana.
Although I am but a novice, I am convinced that this is indeed the surest path to peace and salvation. The path that was untrodden for millennia has been rediscovered in the land of its birth.
It is fitting indeed that the Pagoda of Peace will be located in this nation. The Pagoda will go a long way in establishing more solidly, the philosophy and traditions of this secular practice.
I, on my part, am profoundly grateful to Vipassana International Academy for affording me in this lifetime an opportunity to make a small beginning towards absolute liberty.
-S.M. Gavai
Director of Social Welfare, Maharashtra
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Due to over work and stress I started getting chest pain in the year 1984-85. I consulted various doctors, Dr. Dhananjay Gunde from Kolhapur introduced me to the Art of Vipassana and I attended my first course at Igatpuri in 1985, under the guidance of Shri Satyanarayan Goenka. That was the turning point in my life. Initially I joined this course out of curiosity. After the completion of the course I realized that this is the only way of scientific meditation which will keep each and every one of us free from all complications of life and will bring harmony in our relations.
I am totally convinced that before going to any doctor for minor illness as well as psychosomatic disorders one should try this course which will definitely help to recover from such problems.
After 1985, I tried to convey this message to various groups of people. I was also practising Vipassana in my daily life, but due to my preoccupied engagements I could not repeat the course till November '96. I attended this course at Igatpuri in November '97. I can assure any individual that this way of life does not propagate and challenge or any false promises. It is based on purely natural science, which helps a human being to "know thyself". It also helps to keep away diseases like diabetes, hypertension and heart problems. The persons who are engaged in all the sedentary work are advised to do this course atleast once to find out the truth of the life. I can also assure that one can practice Vipassana and at the same time be Hindu, Muslim or Christian or for that matter of any religion.
Human life today is full of competition, stress and fatigue. Specially to cope up with this kind of life and to attain noble peace of mind one must attend this course and it does not interfere in the various religious life of the practising student.
-Ramesh M. Ubale
Senior I.A.S. Officer
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From earliest childhood, I was always a very timid person. On my way to school I would purposely avoid any route that would bring me into contact with dogs or unruly fellow pupils. In my studies at school, I always came near the top of the class and in Sanskrit, my favourite subject, I gained full marks. Still, when my teachers and family, wanted to give proper recognition to these achievements, I always found some pretext or another to avoid the glare of publicity. For, deep inside, I felt as if some huge error was being made by others when estimating my talents and that sooner or later this would be exposed.
This inferiority complex continued into my college and working life. Despite ample, and repeated, evidence of exceptional abilities, again and again I denied their existence, shrinking from the publicity I feared they would attract and thus failing to capitalize on them for my own and others' benefit. I have always been a natural student, who loves nothing better than to be surrounded by books. And so it was, during my married life in Delhi, when I was a junior civil servant. Any free time was always taken up in reading and further study. During this period I had the opportunity on several occasions to apply for a post in the Indian Administrative Service, the country's elite cadre. Despite the recommendations of those who knew me and my capacities well, I staunchly refused to apply, thinking that I was intellectually and personally inadequate to a task, which so many others could perform with ease. In this way, a golden career chance passed me by. Sometime later, I almost repeated the same pattern when posts in the State Administrative Service of Rajasthan were advertized.
Had it not been for the personal intervention of my wife and close friends, who knew my problem and coaxed and cajoled me, I would never have applied for a post, nor would I have taken the entrance examination, nor appeared for the personal interviews. With their understanding and support, I was successful. I was appointed to the State Service, where I worked for 23 years, undertaking a range of challenging assignments in different departments. However, even in my work, I found that this tendency to low self-esteem made me reluctant to accept major responsibilities involving contact with the public, which my colleagues and superiors felt I was competent to tackle.
As a newcomer to the Administrative Service in Rajasthan, I had the good fortune to make the acquaintance of Shri Ram Singh. This marked the beginning of a close professional and personal relationship, which has brought untold benefits to me. Naturally, when Shri Ram Singh, who was State Home Secretary at the time, with myself as his immediate subordinate, took a Vipassana course with Goenkaji in 1974 and immediately felt much benefited, I also became curious. I took my first course in that same year and continued to practice Vipassana as best I could. However, pressure of work often meant that I was unable to sit daily as regularly as I would like and finding time to take further ten-day courses was also difficult. For some years, I felt that my progress in Dhamma was inadequate.
After a few years I had the rare opportunity to sit a long course for serious old students at Dhamma Giri. After just a few days of meditation in this deep atmosphere the truth of my inferiority complex, and how it had continuously dogged my life thus far, became clear in my mind. By the end of the course, through the practice of Vipassana, substantial layers of this profound sankhara had evaporated and I felt real progress had been made. And so it has proved, when applied in everyday life: not that this deep-rooted tendency has been completely eradicated, but certainly there is a major improvement which is good both for me and for others. This is evident from the fact that I have since then been able to address more than 30 audiences in India, USA, and U.K. with confidence. I have also conducted workshops for training assistant teachers in conducting Vipassana courses under instructions from Goenkaji, and have led one workshop to encourage study of the Pali language among Vipassana students.
When a student takes a Vipassana course, there should never be any expectation of particular experiences or outcomes. Rightly, we are told, to practise correctly and to leave the result to Dhamma. However, it is my personal experience, that if someone really wants to go to the depths of the mind to take out the most stubborn complexes, then one or more long courses, when the proper opportunity arises, is a real priority.
-S.N. Tandon
Teacher of Vipassana
Former Dy. Home Secretary, Rajasthan
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The program on reducing tensions and for self improvement was very good. It is my good fortune that I got an opportunity to take part in the program, for this I am grateful to my department. This program will help me a lot in the future in improving myself. It will definitely help me progress on the path to good. It will also help me to be a better official.
The tensions which arise during executing our daily official duties will get reduced by this program and we can perform those duties in a better way. Initially for the first 3 days I was a bit upset and tense but as the course progressed, I found some inner strength. Now after doing the course I feel grateful for being sent here against my wishes. I hope I will get a chance to do a refresher course at least once a year. I am very grateful to my department for the apparent benefits I have got from this course.
I am sure I will derive many more benefits in future from this course.
-R.S. Gupta
Deputy Commissioner, Indore
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By attending this Vipassana Course I got to learn this valuable Dharma knowledge of Vipassana. Through Vipassana I got to know myself and have found a new way to live my life. I have found the path of self improvement and in future I can realize my mistakes and work towards rectifying them.
-Shri Kishan Singh Rathor
Company Commandant, Armed Forces, Bhopal
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I was quite surprised when on reaching the Academy I was told that I would have to remain silent for 10 days and live within a limited area. I followed the instructions of the academy having decided to undergo the course and observe all the rules. I liked the Vipassana course very much, I feel it will change a person's nature. However it should not be restricted to a few persons but should be conducted on a large scale. It should especially be conducted for those in high posts and important officials so that those below them will be inspired to join the course and improve their thoughts.
-Uttam Singh Thakur
Deputy Commandant, 16th Special Armed brigade, Sagar
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Many Vipassana Meditation courses were conducted in Baroda Central Jail. As a result, relationship between the prisoners and the jail staff improved. The attitude of the prisoners to take revenge has changed. This technique has ignited creativity among the prisoners. They were able to realize the mistakes/crime they have done in the past. Many newspapers have reported the favourable impact of Vipassana meditation. May more and more courses be conducted for the benefit of inmates in particular.
-R. L. Vora
Jail Superintendent, Probander
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I did my first ten-day course of Vipassana in 1995. Since then I have done two more ten-day courses and one Satipa hana course. I realize that that makes me a beginner with a very long way to go but even then the benefits and potential of Vipassana are apparent.
What I find most appealing about this technique is its simple, pure scientific rationality - no religiosity of any kind, no gods, no mumbo-jumbo, no false promises of a great here-after, no form of escapism into some blissful never-never-land! Buddha's emphasis on practice and an ethical life and not just theorizing or intellectualizing make the whole method intensely practical and keeps one's feet solidly on the ground. In fact, Buddha's definition of Dharma, or religion, is the understanding of the laws of nature, understanding the world of mind and matter and then living according to those laws. Vipassana helps you to do just that.
Vipassana is a form of meditation which, more than anything else I have ever known or tried, helps you to understand yourself. As you go deeper and deeper into the practice, the more you understand and see how your mind and matter function, how they interact and influence each other, you are gradually able to observe the patterns of your own behaviour, your own reactions, your aversions and cravings- in other words you can see how you tick. It is a very good way of learning self-awareness and gaining self-knowledge, even of the deepest levels of one's sub-conscious mind.
You also learn how to re-programme yourself with total awareness and understanding. There is neither suppression or rejection of ones deepest and, often, ugliest drives. I had come across the word "sakshi'' in the Gita and in many Upanishads as the way to come out of suffering but it is only Vipassana which teaches you, step by step, how you can actually achieve that, how to achieve the equanimity to become a "sakshi''.
The other things which appeal to me are that you are constantly aware and in the present, in possession of all your faculties and not asked to surrender yourself or your mind to some great guru or teacher who will do your thinking for you. Instead, the technique constantly emphasizes how one is responsible for one's own life, one's own actions and their consequences. As one's present actions and behaviour will determine what one becomes in the future, I find it tremendously attractive that I can be in control and responsible for my own future. What more can one ask for!
The whole concept of Karma is shorn of all the superstition and rubbish that some religious sect has smothered it with and one is able to experience it and understand it as mere cause and effect, action and reaction. The universality of the method, its total lack of any kind of sectarianism makes it truly scientific and acceptable to any human being irrespective of caste, colour, creed or sex.
One anxiety that I did have for quite some time was would Vipassana make me want to leave the problems, tensions and frustrations of daily life and work and make me want to escape to a more peaceful and secluded world, would it make me go more and more inwards at the expense of my work? But what I am discovering is that the inward journey complements the outward life and, in fact, is helping my work.
Nothing has given me the hope and confidence that this technique has given me. To know that I can understand myself and then be able to change myself and that I do not have to rely on anything or anyone else except myself to achieve this, is at once the greatest gift and the greatest responsibility that I have been given. I am the scientist, I am the laboratory and I am the specimen! A whole new universe, that I was totally oblivious of, has opened up to me and I am on a new and meaningful journey.
-Srilata Swaminadhan
Rajasthan State Party Spokesperson of C.P.I. (M-L) and National President of the All India Progressive Women’s Association (AIPWA)
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1. The programme was very self improving and peaceful. However if the number of participants could be increased then many more could be benefited.
2. An advantage of participating in the programme was that a lot of my unanswered questions were clarified. If we can use this mental clarity in our area of responsibility successfully, then it will definitely go a long way in resolving a lot of our problems.
3. After undergoing this course there will be more diligence, honesty and dedication towards our work.
4. I have learnt the art of living, its truth and advantages.
5. I have become free from various superstitions, religious beliefs and illusions.
Section Officer (Police), Saver, Indore
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In this entire programme one learns about oneself and develops dedication towards one's work.
One learns to develop his inner strengths and gets confidence to live in today's tension filled world. One is cured of various internal illnesses automatically. Your inner energy and capacity for work increases. The entire programme is beneficial for administrators, govt. and public servants. In my opinion we should have more of such programmes. By this not only will government officials be benefited but as a result the entire department will be benefited.
Asst. Director, Food and Supply Dept.
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Vipassana is an important tool for self development. It is not only particular religion, it is humanism which is the basis of every religion. It develops in self development and awakens in you a feeling of good towards everyone. It increases one's capacity and efficiency at work. Every person should attend a Vipassana course. Let people from all religions take part in this camp together and be benefited. Let more such camps be organized in the future so that other officials may get the benefit.
Section Police Officer, Damoli
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I am at a loss for words to describe the benefits I have received from the Vipassana course held at the Academy of Administration, Bhopal from 15/2/97 to 26/2/97. From this course I learnt the true meaning of humanity. Apart from my personal improvement it will benefit my officials duties by increasing tolerance, capacity for work, efficiency and equanimity.
The high officials of the department should participate in this course and get benefited. My diabetes has been controlled to a large extent by this course. If more such courses are organized then others will also get benefited. A refresher course should be organized at least once in a year.
-K.M. Dube
District Chief, Homegaurds, Gwalior
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Vipassana Meditation puts an end to negativities and lets you experience equanimity. I recommend that every government official and politician should make it a point to attend at least one course in his life. I experienced an inner joy by attending this course.
-Dr. A. N. Rao
Deputy collector, Betul, M.P.
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In this 11 day Vipassana course, I have
1. Understood True Dharma and the difference between Dharma and religion.
2. Learnt the way to lead a peaceful life as a householder.
3. Practised an easy and beautiful method by which
4. one can be free from this cycle of birth and death.
5. Freed myself from the long time enslavement of tobacco.
-Shri N.P Panthi
Dept. of social welfare and panchayat. M.P.