Rajdharm * राजधर्म
In the last 2600 years, the original teachings of the Buddha were totally lost in India, giving rise to a lot of misconceptions about this great benefactor of the human kind. One of the misconceptions about the teachings of the Buddha has been that the whole nation became powerless and weak by following the principles of ‘peace’ and ‘non-violence’. As VRI undertook the monumental task of publishing Pali Canon (the original teachings of the Buddha) in Devanagari script from an authenticated source, this misconception got dispelled and it became evident that kingdoms in fact flourished by following the teachings of the Buddha.
The Buddha, having been a prince himself, had a profound understanding of royal duties and guided kings, council members and ministers to protect and prosper their respective kingdoms. This book contains the historical events which affirm that kingdoms indeed prospered in every way after following his teachings, at the time of the Buddha and even centuries after that. It also contains details about how Emperor Asoka imbibed the teachings of the Buddha in formulating his internal and external policy matters and security structures for development of a powerful and prosperous nation.
This book is ideal for Vipassana meditators as well as non-meditators.