VRI has several publications in different languages. These publications can be purchased from:
1. The VRI bookshop at Dhammagiri, Igatpuri
2. Books and Souvenir center - Global Pagoda, Mumbai and
3. Book-sellers around the world.
4. online from this website. Click here to go to VRI's online bookshop
Some of the books can be viewed online or downloaded for free as PDF files. These are in English, Hindi and Farsi.
Information about where to buy publications is available at all Vipassana Meditation Centers.
**Click here for a complete PDF list of all VRI publications English, Hindi
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**click here for information about Chattha Sangayana CD-ROM and Tipitaka publications,
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Note: The publications are also available at many Vipassana Centres around the world.
1. English publications
2. Tipitaka related publications
3. English pamphlets/English Article reprints
4. Hindi publications
5. Morning chanting in Pāli (played during the 10- day courses)
6. Hindi pamphlets/Hindi Article reprints
7. Marathi
8. Gujarati
9. Urdu
10. Tamil
11. French
12. Pāli
13. Farsi
14. Others
15. Photoset of 10 Post Cards
16. Photoset of 8 Post Cards
Sayagyi U Ba Khin Journal: 1998, 287 pages. This journal commemorates Sayagyi's exemplary life and teachings. It Contains his discourses, biographical sketches of his life and the lives of the teachers who preceded him as well as articles on various aspects of Vipassana.
Essence of Tipitaka by U Ko Lay 1998, 225 pages. A concise guide to the voluminous teachings of the Buddha contained in the Pāli Canon. It gives an overview of the entire Tipitaka as well as a taste of the Buddha's teaching by focusing on a few of the most important discourses. U Ko Lay was formerly the Vice Chancellor of Mandalay University.
Mahāsatipaṭṭhāna Sutta contains the Pāli in Roman script with an English translation of this important sutta. Also available online in Pāli with simultaneous English translation
The Art of Living by William Hart 2001, 168 pages. A full length study of the teaching of Vipassana useful both for meditators and non-meditators alike. Includes illustrative stories, as well as answers to student's questions that convey a vivid sense of his teaching.
The Discourse Summaries 2001, 123 pages. Summaries of the evening discourses by S.N. Goenka during a ten-day course of Vipassana.
Healing the Healer & The Experience of Impermanence by Dr Paul Fleischman 2001. It describes the benefit of Vipassana to those who are serving in medical profession.
Come People of the World 1999, 32 pages. Translations of selected Hindi couplets from Goenkaji's chanting.
Gotama the Buddha: His Life and His Teaching: Click here to read or download the book Gotama the Buddha: His Life and His Teaching. A brief sketch of the life and teaching of the Buddha, with a brief description of the Six historical Councils.
The Gracious Flow of Dharma 1997, 70 pages. Condensed from three day public talks of S.N. Goenka explaining the true meaning of Dhamma (Dharma in Sanskrit), which has now been mistakenly used to refer to as 'sect' or 'sectarianism'. Goenkaji explains in detail how to live a good Dhammic life - a life full of peace and harmony through the practice of Vipassana.
Discourses on Satipatthana Sutta 2001, 136 pages. Evening discourses by S.N. Goenka during the 8 day course of meditation during which he expounds the Mahasatipatthana Sutta.
The Wheel of Dhamma Rotates Around the World 1999, 38 pages. A concise informative compilation on the Vipassana Centres in India and around the world.
Vipassana: Its Relevance to the Present World 1995, 141 pages. A collection of papers presented at the International Seminar sponsored by Vipassana Research Institute in New Delhi in April 1994. The papers focus on Vipassana's impact in the fields of education, prison reforms, improved management in business and Government as well as the Pāli Tipitaka research and publication project of VRI.
Dharma: Its True Nature 1998, 80 pages. A collection of papers presented at the International Seminar sponsored by Vipassana Research Institute at Dhammagiri, Igatpuri in May 1995. It is an attempt to address the idea that the world society is at historical crossroads with the overwhelming advancement of technology on one side and the erosion of human values on the other.
Vipassana Addictions & Health (Seminar 1989) 1998, 78 pages. A collection of papers presented at the International Seminar sponsored by Vipassana Research Institute at Dhammagiri, Igatpuri in 1989. It focuses on the beneficial effects of Vipassana on drug addicts and the general health.
The Importance of Vedana and Sampajanna (Seminar 1990) 2002. This covers this important topic of Buddha's teaching in great detail.
Pagoda Seminar Oct 1997 1997, 127 pages. The papers presented at the time of the foundation-stone laying ceremony of the Grand Vipassana Stupa being built near Mumbai. It contains detailed reports of the spread of Dhamma around the world. Also included are a number of moving personal accounts of individual meditators from different walks of life.
A Re-appraisal of Patanjali’s Yoga-Sutras by Shri. S. N. Tandon 1995, 142 pages. Patanjali, the author of Yoga Sutras wrote his scholarly works a few centuries after the Buddha, and has drawn heavily from the teachings of the Buddha. An in-depth study of the similarities and dissimilarities. The book contains the Yoga Sutra text references.
Manuals of Dhamma 2001, 272 pages. Originaly published by Union Buddha Sasana Council of Myanmar as "Manuals of Buddhism", this book contains the English translations of Venerable Ledi Sayadaw's authoritative essays on the essence of Buddha's teachings
Was the Buddha a Pessimist 2001, 69 pages. Buddha was not a pessimist. This is explained in detail with examples.
Psychological Effects of Vipassana on Tihar Jail Inmates 1998, 47 pages. Vipassana has been adopted as a prison reform technique in the largest jail in India, the Tihar Jail. The book gives detailed report of the scientific studies carried out to assess the impact of Vipassana meditation on the prisoner's mental health.
Mahasatipatthana Sutta 1998, 94 pages. A revised edition of the annotated translation of 'Mahasatipatthana Sutta', the primary discourse in which the Buddha described the practice of meditation in detail. It is of interest to any serious student of meditation or to one who wants to know about Buddha's teaching on the meditation practice.
Pāli Primer by Lily De Silva 1994, A guide to learn the Pāli language.
Key to Pāli Primer by Lily De Silva 1999, Gives answers to the test questions in "Pāli Primer". An aid in learning
Manual of Vipassana Meditation by U Ko Lay 2002, 119 pages. This book throws light on the scientific aspect of the Buddha's Teaching. His teaching is explained with the help of the three important Suttas - The Dhammacakkappavattanasutta, Anattalakhanasutta and the Mahasatipatthanasutta.
For the Benefit of many 2002, 201 pages. This book contains a valuable compilation of Goenkaji's talks and question/answer sessions.
Effect of Vipassana Meditation on quality of life, subjective well-being and criminal propensity among inmates of Tihar jail, Delhi 2002, Research analysis and relevant statistics are covered in this study by Dr. Amulya Khurana and Prof.P.L.Dhar
Impact of Vipassana in Government 2004, 166 pages. This research by D.R. Parihar analysing the impact of Vipassana in Government covers comparison of Vipassana and non-Vipassana group, Pre-course and Post-course feedback, Anecdotal evidences and analysis of Vipassana course forms of Government Officials. Also relevant appendices are available along with suggestions for future research.
Realising change 2003, 235 pages. This book featuring accounts by Vipassana practitioners leading everyday lives, aims to make Vipassana both better known and more clearly understood.
The Clock of Vipassana has Struck 2003, 244 pages. This volume celebrates U Ba Khin's exemplary life. It contains a collection of his writings and discourses, a biological sketch of his life and the lives of the teachers who preceded him, and is woven together with an extensive interview with his renowned disciple, S.N.Goenka.
Meditation Now - Inner peace through inner wisdom 2003, 123 pages. A collection commemorating Goenkaji's tour of North America (April to August 2002). The Universal message of peace - an address by Goenkaji to the Millennium World Peace Summit, New York, The meaning of happiness - an address at the World Economic Forum, Davos-Switzerland and other important articles are found in this collection.
The Caravan of Dhamma 2004, 169 pages. In 2002, at the age of 78, Goenkaji embarked on a remarkable Dhamma tour of the West. He traveled for 128 days through Europe and North America, giving many Dhamma talks, leading meditation sessions, giving media interviews and guiding students in private interviews along the way.
S.N.Goenka at the United Nations 2003, 20 pages. Two addresses at the U.N. Address to the millennium World Peace Summit by S.N.Goenka. Goenkaji tried to highlight what all religions and spiritual paths have in common. Keynote address on the occasion of the celebration of the International Recognition of the Vesakha. The talk by Goenkaji puts the teaching of the Buddha in a modern perspective
Defense against external invasion
Gotama the Buddha: His Life and His Teaching A brief sketch of the life and teaching of the Buddha, with a brief description of the Six historical Councils.
The Discourse Summaries Summary of the eleven discourses during the ten day course and morning chanting for old students.
Discourses on Satipatthana sutta Explanation of the Maha Satipatthana sutta in depth by Goenkaji during the Satipatthana course.
The Gracious Flow of Dharma This three-day series of public talks by Goenkaji contains a detailed explanation of what is pure Dhamma and how to practise it and lead a better life.
For the benefit of many Inspiring Question/Answers and talks of Goenkaji for old students.
Was the Buddha a pessimist When Buddha's teachings were lost to India there was a misunderstanding that he was a pessimist. However this is note true - read this to understand with examples.
Come People of the World A collection of Hindi couplets (Dohas) chanted by Goenkaji during the 10-day Vipassana course (with English translations.)
S. N. Goenka at the United Nations:
1. Inner Peace for World Peace
2. Buddha: The Super-Scientist of Peace
Why was the Sakyan Republic destroyed? The Sakyans did not follow the teaching of Buddha and were intoxicated with caste-pride which lead to their destruction.
Pāli Primer A guide to learn the Pāli language
You may read or download the PDF files wherever links are furnished using acrobat reader
- What Senior Administrators Say About Vipassana-I
- What Senior Administrators Say About Vipassana -II
- What Senior Administrators Say About Vipassana -III
- Vipassana In Prisons
- Vipassana — An Art of Corporate Management
- Vipassana & Health
- Vipassana in Government
- Drug Addiction And Therapy: A Vipassana Perspective
- Guidelines for the Practice of Vipassana meditation
Nirmal Dhara Dharam Ki 2000, 148 pages. Vipassana meditation is an invaluable ancient heritage of India, which had been lost in the country of its origin. Goenkaji has explained its Universal aspects in his public talks, which have been condensed in this book. Dharma means 'law of nature', and it has been mistakenly used to refer to as 'sect' or 'sectarianism' in recent times. Goenkaji explains in detail how to live a good Dhammic life - a life full of peace and harmony through the practice of Vipassana.
Pravachan Saransh 1992, 100 pages. Condensed from the evening discourses of Goenkaji during ten-day Vipassana course.
Jage Pavan Prerana 1994, 203 pages. A collection of articles written by Goenkaji explaining in simple and lucid manner the glimpses from Buddha's lifetime and of his teachings.
Jage Antarbodh 2001, 180 pages. It is a continuation of the book Jage Pawan Prerana, and contains more in-depth glimpses of the Buddha's teachings.
Dharma Jivan Jine Ki Kala 2001, 88 pages. Explains what is Dhamma, in an easy to understand manner.
Tipitaka Mein Samyaka Sambuddha Vol 1 & 2 1995, 254 pages each volume. An in-depth study of the Buddha's teachings as preserved in Tipitaka. This is the first of a trilogy where Goenkaji explains in great detail the teachings of the Buddha with plenty of Pāli quotations with their meaning in Hindi. This first in the series has the Buddha as the main subject.
Dharan Kare to Dharma 1999, 176 pages. Inspiring stories from the life of the Buddha with explanation of the Dhamma.
Kya Buddha Dukhwadi the 2000, 78 pages. Buddha was not a pessimist. This is explained in detail with examples.
Mangal Jage Grihi Jeevan mein 2001, 98 pages. This book is concerning how a good householder should live to generate harmony in household life.
Dhammavani Sangraha 2000, 68 pages. A valuable collection from the Hindi newsletters with topic-wise bifurcation. These contextual narratives are of enduring value to meditators. This book contains Pāli verses with Hindi translations.
Vipassana Pagoda Smarika 2000, 175 pages. The papers presented at the time of the foundation-stone laying ceremony of the Grand Vipassana Stupa being built near Mumbai. It contains detailed reports of the spread of Dhamma around the world. Also included are a number of moving personal accounts of individual meditators from different walks of life.
Suttasaar-1 2001, 220 pages. This gives the essence of various suttas in Digha and Majjhima Nikaya.
Suttasaar-2 2001, 186 pages. This gives the essence of various suttas in the Samyutta Nikaya.
Suttasaar-3 2001, 150 pages. This gives the essence of various suttas in the Anguttara and Khuddaka Nikaya.
Dhamma Geet (pali-hindi) 2001, 99 pages. A collection of Pāli verses from Tipitaka with Hindi translation.
Dhammapada (pali-hindi) 2001, 93 pages. Consists of the translation of the verses in the Dhammapada.
Mahasatipatthana Sutta (translation and samiksha) 1996, 54 pages. An annotated translation and review of 'Mahasatipatthana Sutta', the primary discourse in which the Buddha described the practice of meditation in detail. It is of interest to any serious student of meditation or of the Buddha's teaching.
Mangal Hua Prabhat 1998. 191 pages. An invaluable collection of couplets written by Goenkaji in Hindi, which are appreciated by meditators and others alike. These couplets illuminate the depths of Dharma in simple manner.
Jago Loga Jagat Ra 1997, 246 pages. A collection of couplets written in Rajasthani. These couplets illuminate the depths of Dharma in simple manner.
Dhanyababa (Atmakathan) by Shri. S.N.Goenka 2002, 112 pages. Goenkaji has written this book expressing his gratitude to his grandfather who had a great influence over his young mind The book contains anecdotes from Guruji's life and also a collection of the Rajasthani dohas along with explanations.
Kalyanamitra Satyanarayan Goenka-Vyaktitva aur Krititva by Shri. B.K.Goenka 2002. 119 pages. This book gives details of important events in Goenkaji's life and the work he continues to perform for the welfare of all beings.
Patanjal Yogasutra by Shri. S.N.Tandon 2003. 96 pages. Patanjali, the author of Yoga Sutras wrote his scholarly works a few centuries after the Buddha, and has drawn heavily from the teachings of the Buddha. An in-depth study of the similarities and dissimilarities. The book contains the Yoga Sutra text references and references from the Pāli tipitaka (vri references).
Ahuneyya Pahuneyya Anjalikaraniya - Dr. Omprakashji by Shri. S.N.Tandon & Smt. Laj Tandon 2003. 53 pages. Contains description from Dr. Omprakashji 's oral utterances and letters. A collection of his writings published in the patrika also form a part of this book
Atmakathan-Part 1 by Shri. S.N.Goenka 2003. 98 pages. This autobiography with anecdotes and life experiences is meant not merely to satisfy the natural curiosity of the Vipassana meditators round the World but to serve the purpose of guiding them and promoting their wisdom. Another aim of this publication is to serve as a warning to Vipassana meditators atleast from committing the heinous crime of condemning the Buddha's teaching.(The Buddha's flawless teaching was lost from India and condemned on a false basis.)
Rajdharma (kuch aitihasic prasang) by Shri. S.N.Goenka 2003. 68 pages. The Sammasambuddha was born in Jambudipa(India). Sammasambuddha discovers the path to the ultimate truth which is bound to be beneficial to one and all. Through this book many misconceptions about the Buddha and his teaching have been cleared. An attempt has also been made to clear the wrong impressions about the great Emperor Ashokha who was instrumental in spreading the Buddha's invaluable teaching to the neighbouring countries. This book will help receptive minds willing to see the truth, to come out of their wrong notions regarding the Buddha and Emperor Ashoka.
Anguttara Nikaya -Volume 1 2004. 308 pages. This is a Hindi translation of the Pāli text of Anguttara Nikaya - volume 1
Kendriya Karagrah - Jaipur, Vipashyana ka pratham jail shivir 2005. 61pages. This book describes how Vipassana was introduced in jail. The experience of the jail inmates after undergoing a ten day course speaks volumes about the efficacy of Vipassana in reforming society. An attempt has been made to highlight Buddha's words in pali (with translations) and drawing parallels to what the jail inmates had expressed after doing a course thereby confirming the eternal nature of his teachings.
Vipassana : Lokmat - volume 1
Vipassana : Lokmat - volume 2 2005. 120 pages, 160 pages. The enriching experiences of meditators practising Vipassana are presented in these two volumes. The accounts of numerous meditators from all walks of life, the world over are compiled to inspire one and all.
Agrapal Rajvaidya Jeevak 2005. 24 pages. Gives an insight into the personality and laudable works of Jeevaka the royal physician at the Buddha's time
Ahimsa kise kahen? 2006. 28 pages. Himsa (violence) begins in the mind. True Ahimsa (non-violence) is not letting himsa originate in the mind. This is a talk given by Goenkaji quoting from the Jain scriptures which also followed Ahimsa.
Samrat Ashok ke Abhilekh? 2006. 165 pages. Emperor Ashoka followed the Buddha's teachings and tried to rule the country in a Dhammic way. During his time he encouraged his subjects to follow the Dhamma as can be seen in the 42 Asokan inscriptions in its original form covered in this book. The translations in hindi and word meanings help to promote understanding his message to the world.
Vipassana Kyon Path Pradarshika (only for old meditators)
Lokguru Buddha Shakiyom aur Koliyom ke gantantra ka vinash kyom hua?
Ganarajya ki suraksha kaise ho?
Desh ki bahya suraksha
Dhammageet Pāli chantings with hindi translations (including those played in ten day course)
Kya Buddh dukhvadi the? Buddha was not a pessimist. This is explained in detail with examples.
Mangal jage grihi jeevan mein This book is concerning how a good householder should live to generate harmony in household life.
Vipashyana ka pratham jail shivir - kendriya karagraha - Jaipur The Vipassana course at Jaipur jail was very inspiring to the inmates and associated people. The book describes their experiences in short.
Tipitaka related publications Suttasaar - 1, 2, 3 Anguttara Nikaya - 1 Dhammapad Dhammavani sangraha
You may read or download the PDF files using acrobat reader
- Sampraday Na Dharma Hai
- Dharam Darshan
- Chale Dharma Ke Panth
- Apana Antar Dekh
- Shashantantra Mein Vipassana
- Citta Samta Na Khoy (Rajasthani dohas)
- Dharma Sada Mangal Karai (Rajasthani dohas)
- Apano Karam Sudhar (Rajasthani dohas)
- Dhup Chaw Ri Jindagi (Rajasthani dohas)
- Man Ra Mail Utar (Rajasthani dohas)
- Dharma Kya Hai
- Dharma Ka Sar
- Dharma Ka Sahi Mulyankan
- Samata Dharma
- Dharma Ka Sarvahitkari Swaroop
- Samyak Dharma
- Satya Hi Dharma Hai
Jagnyachi Kala 1997, 228 pages. A translation of William Hart's book 'Art of Living'. A full length study of the teaching of Vipassana useful both for meditators and non-meditators alike. Includes illustrative stories, as well as answers to student's questions that convey a vivid sense of his teaching.
Jage Pavan Prerana 1994, 251 pages. A translation of Hindi book of the same name. A collection of articles written by Goenkaji explaining in simple and lucid manner the glimpses from Buddha's lifetime and of his teachings.
Pravachan Saransh 1994, 84 pages. Condensed from the evening discourses of Goenkaji during ten-day Vipassana course.
Dharma: Aadarsh Jeevanacha Aadhar 1996, 108 pages. Explains what is Dhamma, in an easy to understand manner.
Jage Antarbodh 2001, 187 pages. A translation of hindi book of the same name. It is a continuation of the book Jage Pawan Prerana, and contains more in-depth glimpses of the Buddha's teachings.
Nirmal Dhara Dharam ki 2004, 115 pages. A translation of Hindi book of the same name. Vipassana meditation is an invaluable ancient heritage of India, which had been lost in the country of its origin. Goenkaji has explained its Universal aspects in his public talks, which have been condensed in this book. Dharma means 'law of nature', and it has been mistakenly used to refer to as 'sect' or 'sectarianism' in recent times. Goenkaji explains in detail how to live a good Dhammic life - a life full of peace and harmony through the practice of Vipassana.
Pravachan Saransh 1995, 94 pages. Condensed from the evening discourses of Goenkaji during ten-day Vipassana course.
Dharma: Aadarsh Jeevanno Aadhar 1996, 130 pages. Explains what is Dhamma in an easy to understand manner.
Maha Satipatthana Sutta 2001, 51 pages. A translation of Hindi book of the same name.An annotated translation of 'Mahasatipatthana Sutta', the primary discourse in which the Buddha described the practice of meditation in detail. It is of interest to any serious student of meditation or to one who wants to know about Buddha's description of the practice of meditation.
Jage Antarbodh 2001, 187 pages. A translation of Hindi book of the same name.Contains in-depth glimpses of the Buddha's teachings.
Dharan Kare to Dharma 2001, 175 pages. A translation of Hindi book of the same name. Inspiring stories from the life of the Buddha with explanation of the Dhamma.
Jage Pawan Prerana 2004, 298 pages. A translation of Hindi book of the same name. A collection of articles written by Goenkaji explaining in simple and lucid manner the glimpses from Buddha's lifetime and of his teachings.
Kya Buddha Dukhwadi the 2004, 67pages. A translation of Hindi book of the same name. Buddha was not a pessimist. This is explained in detail with examples.
Nirmal Dhara Dharam ki 2004, 115 pages. A translation of Hindi book of the same name. Vipassana meditation is an invaluable ancient heritage of India, which had been lost in the country of its origin. Goenkaji has explained its Universal aspects in his public talks, which have been condensed in this book. Dharma means 'law of nature', and it has been mistakenly used to refer to as 'sect' or 'sectarianism' in recent times. Goenkaji explains in detail how to live a good Dhammic life - a life full of peace and harmony through the practice of Vipassana.
Mangal Jage Grihi Jeevan mein 2005. 102 pages. This book is concerning how a good householder should live to generate harmony in household life.
Vipassana Sha Mate Gujarati pamphlet
Hosh ka Safar: Urdu book
Vazhkai kalai - Vipassana Dhyanam 2003, 180 pages. A translation of William Hart's book 'Art of Living'. A full length study of the teaching of Vipassana useful both for meditators and non-meditators alike. Includes illustrative stories, as well as answers to student's questions that convey a vivid sense of his teaching.
Pravachan Saransh 2005, 95 pages. Summaries of the evening discourses by S.N. Goenka during a ten-day course of Vipassana.
The Gracious Flow of Dharma 2005, 95 pages. Condensed from three day public talks of S.N. Goenka explaining the true meaning of Dhamma (Dharma in Sanskrit), which has now been mistakenly used to refer to as 'sect' or 'sectarianism'. Goenkaji explains in detail how to live a good Dhammic life - a life full of peace and harmony through the practice of Vipassana.
Gotama the Buddha 2004. A french translation of the English book of the same name.
Meditation Now - Inner peace through inner wisdom 2004. A french translation of the English book of the same name.
Buddha Sahassanamavali by S.N. Goenka 1998, 52 pages. Buddha Sahassanamavali means '1000 names of the Buddha'. A selected collection of 208 Pāli couplets written by Goenkaji expounding the virtues and qualities of the Buddha. The book is rich in Pāli vocabulary, and can be a great aid to learn Pāli language also.The book is available in the following seven scripts: Devanagari, Roman, Myanmar, Thai, Sri Lankan, Cambodian, Mongolian
Buddha Gunagathavali by S.N. Goenka 1999, 163 pages. Buddha Gunagathavali is a collection of Pāli verses on the qualities of the Buddha composed by Goenkaji. These verses will not only improve the Pāli vocabulary of a Vipassana meditator but also the attendant Buddhanussati while reading the verses will make their meditation stronger. The book is available in the following three scripts: Devanagari, Roman, Myanmar. Pāli Tipitaka
The Pāli Tipitaka, with commentaries and sub-commentaries printed in Devanagari script are available. Chattha Sangayana CD-ROM Free (Dhamma Dana) For information about Chattha Sangayana CD-ROM and Tipitaka publications, please click here.
Morning chanting in Pali (played during the 10- day courses)
The following tanslations in Farsi are available for free download as a PDF:
- The Art of Living - by William Hart
- Come People of the World
- The Gracious Flow of Dhamma
- The Discourse Summaries
- Meditation Now - Inner peace through inner wisdom
- Healing the Healer & The Experience of Impermanence by Dr Paul Fleischman
- Vipassana Addictions & Health (Seminar 1989)
- Mahasatipatthana Sutta - Farsi Pāli
Links to non-VRI publications
Text associated with Dhamma in prison in German available at
Picture post cards of Dhamma Giri